Once on the Current Device screen, click on CONNECT.

After successful connection to a RadStar Alpha, the rest of the buttons on the Current Device screen will activate. The action buttons on the Current Device screen include:
Create Test – Active if a test is not currently running on device. This button brings you to the screen to create a new test.
Download Incomplete Data – If a test is currently running, this button will bring you to a screen that downloads the running test’s details without stopping the test.
End Test – This button will end the test that is currently running and bring you to a screen that has downloaded all of the data for the test. NOTE: Once a test is ended, it cannot be restarted.
Edit Test Details – This button brings you to the Edit Test details screen.
Completed Tests – This button brings you to the screen where you can view all the completed tests that are currently stored on the RadStar Alpha.
Back to device view – This button will send you back to the List of Devices screen.

The following 3 icons appear on the Current Device screen after you have successfully connected to a RadStar Alpha.

From left to right, these icons are:
- Refresh State – Use this button at any time to refresh the connection to the RadStar Alpha and retrieve updated information such as recent radon readings or tamper events.
- Battery Indicator – Shows current battery level and charging status indicated by lighting bolt when charging.
- Device Settings – When connected to a RadStar device, click on the gear in the top-right on Current Device screen to see Device Settings. On this screen you can reset the QC Counter. Clicking on Reset will set the internal counter on the RadStar Alpha back to zero.