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Radon Management Cloud

What is the Radon Management Cloud?

The Radon Management Cloud is the web-hosted application that you will have access to manage your companies testers, test details and reporting features. We have developed both a mobile application and a desktop application that will be used in the field to start, stop and sync your radon test results to the Radon Management Cloud.

The Radon Management Cloud is BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE and can be used with RadStar RS300, RadStar RS800 and Sun Nuclear 1027 continuous radon monitors!

These are just some of the features of the Radon Management Cloud:

  • Manage your company profile details.
  • Ability to manage multiple users within your company account
  • Customize Reporting Templates for your Company
  • Customize Report Results and Customer Content Based on Radon Results
  • Automate QC Reporting for your Continuous Radon Monitors
  • Sync all of your Company’s test results in one database
  • Online cloud backup and recovery of data