Send Report

The Send Report screen provides the same functionality for all 3 legacy devices (also identical to the features of the RadStar Alpha series).

NOTE: You must have an Internet connection to generate, download or send an official radon report.

Download Radon Report or Report Components

To generate and download a PDF of the official radon report to your computer

  1. Select the Report Template from the dropdown menu that you wish to use for generating the radon report.  Your Company’s default template will be pre-populated in this dropdown menu (default company template is set up in the website app.)

2. Click on the DOWNLOAD REPORT button

3. The PDF will be created and downloaded to your Windows computer.  The report will automatically open in your computer’s default PDF viewing program.

a. If you do not have a PDF viewing program on your computer, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader from

To download a CSV file that includes all of the details for this specific test, click on the Export CSV link below the DOWNLOAD REPORT button.  After you click Export CSV, you receive a Save As dialog box.  Select the location on your computer that you want to save the CSV file and enter a name for the file.  Select Save.  You can now open the CSV file by opening the file from the location to which you just saved it.

To download a Chart image file (PNG) that includes the results for this specific test, click on the Export Chart link below the EMAIL REPORT button.  After you click Export Chart, you receive a Save As dialog box.  Select the location on your computer that you want to save the PNG file and enter a name for the file.  Select Save.  You can now open the PNG file by opening the file from the location to which you just saved it.

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