
The RadStar Alpha Series contains three models of continuous radon monitors.  The Radon Management Cloud is the software platform that RadonAway has developed to support the RadStar Alpha Series.  The software contains three applications – Website, Mobile and Desktop. 

The Mobile and Desktop Applications interact with the continuous radon monitor hardware to start and stop tests as well as download data from monitors.  The Mobile and Desktop applications are required to sync the data with the Website application. 

The Website application receives all data synced/uploaded from the Mobile and Desktop Application.  The Website application is the centralized database that stores all company, user and test information on a secure server that is backed up regularly.  It is through the website that you do all of your Company management.

This document contains detailed instructions on all of the features of the RadStar Alpha Series continuous radon monitors as well as instructions for using all three applications that make up the Radon Management Cloud.  These instructions are also available online and searchable at radstaralpha.com.   

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