Coming Soon…

Pre-Order Now!  The all new RadStar Alpha Series continuous radon monitors will be available soon. Take advantage of our pre-order special pricing now.  Sign up for our mailing list to receive invitations to our online demos and product information as it becomes available. Check back on this site as we will continue to update leading up to product launch.

Recent News


RadStar Alpha Series

The new RadStar Alpha Series continuous radon monitors will revolutionize the way you think about managing your radon testing company. The RadStar product line has been among the most accurate and reliable continuous radon monitor product line in the industry for over 20 years. With the Alpha Series, we are releasing a new line of RadStar monitors that modernize our proven measurement technology and provide the industry with modern communication tools, mobility and the ability to manage your entire company through our custom cloud portal designed specifically for the needs of radon testers.



  • 3 Models available at 3 sensitivity levels
  • Radon, Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure
  • Bluetooth LE and USB
  • Report in pCi/L and Bq/m3
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Store up to 5 Tests in Memory
  • Rugged/Durable Design
  • Full Feature List

What is the Radon Management Cloud?

The Radon Management Cloud is the web-hosted application that you will have access to manage your companies testers, test details and reporting features. We have developed both a mobile application and a desktop application that will be used in the field to start, stop and sync your radon test results to the Radon Management Cloud.

The Radon Management Cloud is BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE and can be used with RadStar RS300, RadStar RS800 and Sun Nuclear 1027 continuous radon monitors!

These are just some of the features of the Radon Management Cloud:

  • Manage your company profile details.
  • Ability to manage multiple users within your company account
  • Customize Reporting Templates for your Company
  • Customize Report Results and Customer Content Based on Radon Results
  • Automate QC Reporting for your Continuous Radon Monitors
  • Sync all of your Company’s test results in one database
  • Online cloud backup and recovery of data


RadonAway and AccuStar

RadonAway and AccuStar are brands of Spruce Environmental Technologies.

Under the RadonAway brand, we have been manufacturing radon fans, continuous radon monitors and other radon test devices for over 30 years. The RadStar line of products is manufactured by RadonAway. Learn more about RadonAway’s products.

AccuStar Labs is the radon testing laboratory division of Spruce Environmental Technologies. Learn more about RadStars and other radon testing products.

RadonAway and AccuStar Labs logos